Shocking I know..but I do have a life list.. A list of things that I'd like to accomplish with my slightly sound mind, somewhat functioning body, & incredible desire to be content when I'm laying on my death bed & know that I put it all out there... To give you a peek at my list (in no particular order):
- Have a real and lasting partnership
- Travel to at least twenty countries
- Read the Bible cover to cover
- Be comfortable in my own skin
- Raise Cole to be an amazing man
- Sit at Cole's college graduation & know I've given him the tools to be successful in life
- Sky Dive
- Bungee Jump
- Take a Hot Air Balloon ride
- Own a convertible
- Go on a mission trip to Africa
- Have a career that is meaningful to me
- Always have at least five friends who I know I can count on
- Run a marathon...or maybe just a lot of races..(see further commentary below)
- Write a book..even if it's never published
- Become deeply involved in a charity that is meaningful to me
- Go on a trip alone... and find myself least three times in my life
- Make sure the people I love---know it...
- Buy an old house and restore it... (this one is becoming less and less appealing as I struggle to keep my somewhat new house from falling down)
- Allow myself to fully accept Grace
- Liposuction (ok I'm kidding about this one...)
- Own a beach cruiser bicycle (red of course) with a basket and ride around on it..even when I'm 80
- Own a home with a porch swing
- Learn to knit (I need something to do when I'm old)
- Learn to play the guitar...
- Matter to people
- Take lots of photography classes
- Live on the water at some point in my life
- Make it to the end of my life & be at peace
If someone had read my life list from several years ago it would have included a lot of career type or financial goals. I guess I'm just becoming a slacker in my old age? Or maybe I've just accepted that those are just accomplishments and it's more about the journey and the relationships I form outside of my profession that fulfill me? What really makes us successful anyway? I'm still wrapping my mind around this one.
I am proud to say that with the help of marketing boy I completed my first 5k race on Saturday (see life list # 14) Yes, I ran the whole thing and didn't pass out. I didn't even stop for water or to walk. So I was pretty pleased. I'm waiting for race results to be posted- but I know for a fact that I didn't finish last!
However, Tuesday reality set in for me when I couldn't really walk without pain. I twisted my back some sort of crazy way running over the weekend I think? After the back spasm my goal has become less about running a marathon because I just don't think this body is equipped to do that... so I'll settle for running a lot of races for charity and keep my acupuncturist, chiropractor extraordinaire Dr. Miner on speed dial..
Maybe I'll work up to a 10k eventually, but I'm thinking why in the world do I need to run more than 6 miles at one time? That's what cars are bye bye marathon aspirations. My back hurts!
Bye bye marathon aspirations?
Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!
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